Sorry for English. My long text tend to be horrible.
The amount of chips are registered on the outside. The fields that will be used are
those that are on the screen. The content of each information is registered by the user.
But I'll take suggestions.
My motivation for creating this system was to offer some contribution to our community
of collectors, and share a basic and simple tool to organize our chips.
Simplifying my motivation: If you are a collector who needs to know where are the chips,
you can use the FCCO. But if you are collecting a "Heavyweight" which buys and sells, does
auctions, etc., etc., FCCO is not for you.
The Collector's Assistant is certainly more complete and must have twice the information,
support and updates. Intent I am not reaching the level that the Collector's Assistant is
(this takes time and investment).
Unfortunately, today, I do not have the tools necessary to create a Mac version, but is on my
list of things to do.