... and give us an exact number?
> I can't even tell you the number of e-mails I
> have received in the last 24 hours from people
> that say they feel the same way I do, but had
> enough of the way you guys attack so won't even
> express their views anymore on Chipboard.
As for this:
> You guys are going to loose this fight when the
> right Slabbing Company shows up. It happened to
> Coins, It Happened to Baseball Cards you guys
> are next. You just are to pompous to realize
> it....
You may be right, but there was no organized opposition in either of the hobbies you mentioned. Some of us will do our best to prevent slabbing from taking hold in our hobby. Seems to me, "pompous" (i.e., arrogant or self-important) applies more to ICG than to those of us opposed to slabbing.
----- jim o\-S