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The Chip Board Archive 22

Lost my best friend today...

Miss Kitty climbed onto our deck 16 years ago. She was wet and skinny as a rat, had the tip of her tail broken, had a small chunk out of one of her ears. She became imprinted on me and has been my constant companion for the last 16 years. When I take a shower in the morning she stood right by the door, when I sat down to work on the computer or watch TV she was in my lap. When I went to sleep she was right by my side all night. About 5 months ago she stopped sleeping in the bed and then we discovered a large lump under her tongue. It got to the point this weekend that she couldn't eat anymore so we had her put down today. RIP my friend.

Messages In This Thread

Lost my best friend today...
sad sad Sorry Buddy sad sad sad sad
Condolences John
My condolences
Pets are a special part of a family. God bless
Pets are a special part of a family. God bless
Re: Lost my best friend today...
Our Deepest Sympathy....
A part of the family..
Re: A part of the family..
Re: Lost my best friend today...
With Deepest Sympathy
Sorry to hear sad
Re: Lost my best friend today...
Re: Lost my best friend today...
Very sad to hear that. My condolences.
Re: Lost my best friend today...
Re: so sorry sad
It's like losing a child, feel your pain...
That is a bummer John... sorry for your loss!
sorry for your loss sad
I know what...
So sorry John sad Gave my guys Xtra attention...
Re: Lost my best friend today...
Re: Lost my best friend today...
Re: Lost my best friend today...
Sorry to hear the bad news John sad
I am so very sorry sad
My condolences.
Deepest and sincere sympathies sir
My sincere condolances John.
Sorry, to hear this...
Sorry for your loss ...
Sorry to hear that, sympathies sad
So Sorry To Hear
I am sorry to hear that.. i lost mine 2 yr. ago.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg