HI Glen..... welcome to thechipboard.com
I understand from reading a few of your posts that you like the idea of slabbing casino chips. While I personally don't care for the idea, you have the right to collect and purchase whatever makes you happy. I and many others in this hobby find the practice objectionable. You obviously do not... and that's o.k.
I hope that Jim Reilly is elected President of our fine organization .... because if he is successful he has pledged that he will do everything he can to keep slabbing out of our fine hobby. When that event does happen you can visit other slabbers to make your purchases like Mark Scott of Sahara Coins or the fellow from Florida who was quoted in the Coin World article who has attracted so many would-be buyers to his table that he had to put all of his slabbed chips away and out of sight at the recently concluded chip show at Place Station last month because he thought he might even sell one of them.
My best wishes to you Glen .... enjoy your hobby of slabbed chips wherever you can find them and I'll enjoy my hobby without them .... thank you very much. Who knows, perhaps as time goes by you may even decide that you like some of us and may even consider joining our silly little club. I would be very happy to sponsor your application for membership.