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The Chip Board Archive 04

I think its so funny :)

You guys are killin me.

Especially Pete Rizzo.

He finaly found something negative to say about my show. My junkie little show chips, i think that is really cute.

Lets see!

1. My book sucks but in 3 years he hasn't managed to do one.

2. My show sucks but again he can't do one.

3. Now my chips suck also.

You must be so jealous pete. You talk all this trash.

I know you told josh the set i am buying from him I sold for $700, which is a complete lie. But I guess you like bad mouthing people. And that really upsets me.

But its okay we will solve that problem. So next time I see you I will make sure that I will make the time available and you can tell me all your concerns face to face. And maybe we can resolve them.

You tell me my show sucked. Yet you came to see it. Do me a favor and stay away. You know not one dealer was unhappy. I had so many compliments. My only complaint was that lighting was bad in one area. Yet the dealers still sold so much they were happy. Do you know over 800 people attended my show. I think the national gets about 1300. My show was the biggest show that was ever produced privately. And its just the beginning. We haven't even advertised in the club. Over half of my visitors were not in the club. My next show will have a 30% increase in dealer tables. A table will be $195 and you know what it will be sold out. I will have people on a waiting list. There is a million things you can say and it won't make a difference. And you know why. Same old thing you are a talked and i am a producer. Bottom line counts. And bottom line is Visitors had fun at my show and dealers made money. Next show we are going to have a life auction on saturday nite.

They even asked me to be national convention chairman after wayne leaves. I would never do it. Because I don't wanna have to deal with people that just talk and when you asked them to help out they tell you they are too busy.

I am gonna do my own show where i make money in my pocket. And you will see within 2 years my shows will be bigger than the national convention.

Anyway all you do is talk. You don't even know me. I am on the inside i sell chips all the time. I am friends with all the big buyers and regular buyers and you know why they like to buy. Because I give fair prices good products and i am just honest. I make find and I price them fair. And i know you must hate that. As a matter of fact this weekend I will be announcing another MAJOR find. I will have a chip for sale that usually sold for around $450 for way under $100.

Fact is you can talk and badmouth me all you want. But you can never stop me because i always produce and make people happy.

And for you anti slappers are you gonna post every time. Oh he called us brown shirts. I said many times i didn't call you brown shirts but i said you are acting like them and bullying people. Like every time i post a message 5 people will posy some negative . Doesn't bother me. Still won't change my views. I stand behind my views. You guys are destroying the club and you don't even know it. Some people just have to force their views up on others. I bet If you guys try to force a club member to pay dues in their local chapter and the National then the California chapter will leave the CC>CC and will form their own club. I know that for a fact.
See you have the wrong attitude. Why force someone. Just concentrate on offering something that will make someone want to join the national club. Make it so its irresistable.
And if you ban all slapping and force people in a decision the CA club will probably leave too. Because I know most guys over there and I talked with a lot of them at my show. With very active people inside and they feel that the fun is being taken out of the hobby. And before you email me no i won't say who told me all this.

See you guys gonna end up forceing everyone away and you have your own club and make all the rules you want. Just be open minded and let people make their own decisions.

Anyway I am sure i will get a lot of heat for this. But i don't care because no one can intimite me anyway. And i think someone needs to speak up. And pete you are just a joke. But we are gonna fix that.


Messages In This Thread

I think its so funny :)
Re: I think its so funny :)
Re: I think its so funny :)-RENE
Re: I think its so funny :)
Re: I Don't think it is so funny :)
Re: And One More Thing
Please, Rene...
Re: I think its so funny :)
There is no "California" chapter ...

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