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The Chip Board Archive 04

Asking for thought not appaluse
In Response To: Re: I Strongly...... ()

I consider you a friend, Gene. But, I resent being, by implication, considered a supporter of slabbing because I won't sign up to some "list". I resent the public pressure of comments like "H ere is the list of anti-slabbers. Anybody you know not on it? Why do you suppose they're not?"

My reading of history says the Brownshirts accomplished their ends through physical terror and destruction of property. McCarthy used implication and publis opinion (while he had it) to accomplish his ends. Not the same!

All I'm saying is that this thing is becoming less voluntay and more coercive than it should and that it can quickly become a corrosive entity in our organization ifn it continues being coercive. After all, you cannot coerce a volunteer -- they just quit.h

Messages In This Thread

Anybody Remember Joe McCarthy?
Re: I Strongly......
Asking for thought not appaluse
Re: Asking for thought not appaluse
Re: Anybody Remember Joe McCarthy?
Re: Anybody Remember Joe McCarthy?
Re: Anybody Remember Joe McCarthy?
Re: Anybody Remember when chipping was fun?
Re: Anybody Remember when chipping was fun?
I do ... it was the day before Jim P ...
Re: Anybody Remember Joe McCarthy?
Re: Anybody Remember ????????

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