Amy; I've merely made a suggestion to de-certify ALL chapters as a possible solution to eliminate all the hard feelings and controversy surrounding the present conditions. I have not given much thought to starting up Chapters all over again.... nor is it my call to make.
It seems to me that the same problems will exist under "new rules". Chapter officers simply don't want to be burdened with being policemen or policewomen with determining who is a CC & GTCC member, and who is not, each time a meeting is called.... especially a large Chapter such as Atlantic City, where it's not unusual to have well over 100 people in attendance at each meeting.
The same potential problem would still exist of individual chapter members insisting upon examining Chapter rosters to determine if there are non-CC & GTCC members on the rolls.
The potential for the same problem of Chapters using deceptive and devious methods of concealing non-CC & GTCC members through the use of calling non-members "guests" or "associates" or some other term that would satisfy the Chapter, but not the National's requirements.
The same problem would cause irrepairable harm by revoking a Chapter's affiliation with National (such as what happened with Colorado)when it is discovered that they have not complied with the "new rules".
Is it worth it to go through all this unrest and upheaval all over again? I think that it is much better to swallow the bitter pill right now, and feel better about ourselves tomorrow.