As a long time collector of Bank Notes, I have pretty much seen it all. There have been Ponzi scheme currency orchestrated in Moscow to fleece people of their wealth, notes from ‘Cyber Nations’, notes from organizations trying to raise money for their many causes, notes from areas of rebellion for taxes or even wheat prices, even notes from a platform declaring itself sovereign from the UK, notes from an interesting place in the South Pacific declaring themselves a sovereign island nation (it was only existent during LOW TIDE), some are jokes, some are tourist attractions, and others self-proclaimed nations from thin air.
Such as: Isola delle Rose; Republic of Minerva; New Utopia and the Kingdom of Humanity; Dracula and Wallachia; Lundy; Interzone, Freedonia and Frestonia; Laissez Faire, Lomar and Kamberra; Sealand; TTF-Bucksfan; Atlantis and Tierra del Mar;
Talossa and Astrumia; Reunion; Melchizedek and Poyais; Elgaland. Just to name a few!
The note today is from The Kingdom of Kamberra, supposedly somewhere in the South Pacific, was concocted by Luxembourg teenager Franck Medina as the Principality of Camberra in 1988, becoming the Kingdom of Camberra later in that year and the Kingdom of Kamberra in 1990. It offers a range of coins and banknotes, to be paid for of course in the currency of real nations.
I ran across some of his latest notes on eBay and decided to post one of his notes. Surprisingly, these are very high quality notes and he has now produced some equally high quality coinage. I suppose collectors buy one or two of his notes as samples and that is enough to perpetuate his production. ENJOY!!!