I am not sure if this has been pointed out previously, but it seems that the brown, H/C, hot-stamped, 50 cent chip, catalogued as CG39584 on ChipGuide, has a variation.
Shown in this PhotoShop image are both chips at the top. I have detailed the inlay area of both chips, enlarged them and inserted both below the respective chips. Next, I over-layed the two inlay images and made the top image opaque by about 50%, so you can see through to the inlay image below. I then aligned both images by the 2 dots between "NORWEGIAN" and "CRUISE LINE".
While the chip on the right has a heavy hot-stamp, and some would say that that is the difference. However, the heavy hot-stamp has the smaller set of dots! Moreover, if the same hot-stamp die had been used, then the words would align better, also the dots would be centered on each other, and certainly NOT bigger than the other.
Albert, feel free to post on ChipGuide, if you wish.
Jim (Gaming Ore) Follis