Paul said,"they are getting Killed with the Price of (gasoline, diesel). "
Just my opinion........
I believe you hit on the NUMBER ONE factor in all of this. That has even been the major factor in air travel for years. Just think about the monthly fuel bill for the USPO and what a 50¢ increse in fuel per gallon does to them.
Sure payroll is a large factor but it is predictable and can be budgeted in. A spike in fuel is like a blow to the head when you are using as much fuel as they are.
Competition from UPS and FedX hurts too, as well as email and faxing documents. It's a tough business.
I don't think tearing down the guy making $23/hour is the answer, if so then we should ALL be working for minimum wage. The guy who makes $23/hour SPENDS most all of it on stuff WE make/do. It keeps US in business. Want to tear down someone? Look at the CEO's who make as much as the President in the time to takes to get a good night's sleep. Former CEO Lee Raymond's compensation was $1500 per MINUTE 24/7.
This problem is like an onion, there are MANY layers of the problem. The same gose for many US businesses. The 'little people' continue to blame each other and not seeing what the real problem is.