So Alan; What is YOUR solution? To let everyone do their own thing? If so, then why do local clubs even consider becoming a Chapter? They might as well remain an independent club. Every Chapter (after Colorodo) who signed on knew of the requirement that individual chapter members had to belong to the National (International). Since that is no longer a requirement, I personally don't see the need to have CC & GTCC Chapters. Those individuals who belong to Chapters, who want to maintain their membership in CC & GTCC will continue to do so... those who have no use for the International can remain on the outside looking in. Do I like that scenario? No I don't. I think that what are now considered Chapters should do all they can to promote CC & GTCC membership. I just don't see that happening. Chapters are now chomping at the bit to tell prospective members that there is no need to join CC & GTCC. That to me is shortsighted and selfish.