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The Chip Board Archive 22

It doesn't matter how....

you organize your chips as long as you do. If your a new collector it does not take long to accumulate a couple thousand chips. And you must know what you have. Alphabetical worked the best for me, but I only collect Nevada chips. Good luck.

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How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
It doesn't matter how....
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Re: How do you organize your chips?
Yes, he did Pam ...
Re: neat story...thanks, Archie! grin
This is how I store them
By State

Copyright 2022 David Spragg