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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: To AIRTITE or Not to AIRTITES that is the ques

Most of my chips go in airtites, direct fit. My roulette's are in racks, tubes or binders. While I am sure the foam rings are fine I don't want to find out one day they had some kind of reaction to clay or plastic. I order them in bulk from JP's corner. 250 for 80 bucks.

Messages In This Thread

To AIRTITE or Not to AIRTITES that is the question
Re: To AIRTITE or Not to AIRTITES that is the ques
Re: To AIRTITE or Not to AIRTITES that is the ques
Re: To AIRTITE or Not to AIRTITES that is the ques
Re: For the price of the airtights...
Re: To AIRTITE or Not to AIRTITES that is the ques
Your chips were meant to breathe
rofl rofl rofl rofl
Viva the Airtite-o!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg