Steve, you are a man after my own heart! When the current Board announced their change allowing non-members to be affiliated with "sanctioned chapters" (a ruling I consider to be an abomination), I asked the question "Did the Board, when it was in deliberations on this issue, ever consider and discuss abolishing Chapters as an alternative to allowing non-members participate in a Chapter?" It was my contention then and it is still my contention that abolishing Chapters would have been more palitable and this issue would have been put to bed a loooooooong time ago! It has been fuel for those few who don't like to be told what to do. By abolishing Chapters there would be no one to exclude and the few who are adamant about this issue would have to find another banner to fly--and serious non-member chip/token collectors would be out collecting without a chip (no pun intended)on their shoulders! There should have been an addendum to Marv's proposal--"Should sanctioning of Chapters be abolished?" I would have voted "YES".