I have done a fair amount of buying/selling on Ebay. I still charge $1.50, which seems to be a price at which most Buyers don't complain or not bid on the item. For more than 3 chips, I bump it up to $2.00.
There is NO WAY someone can factor everything into the sale of a chip if you look at what it takes (most times) to get a chip. I think every full-time Seller on Ebay knows that it is a losing situation to try to recoup "acquisition" costs, particularly on new chips. When I see a new chip that I like, for example, one of the MANY chips Ricky Pushkin travels, parks, walks and stands in line for at the Cashier cage, I buy it. ANY premium and shipping is still a deal!!!
My $1.50 makes sense for me because I'm retired, live a block from the post office and can still mail one chip in a padded #000 envelope for $.90 First Class.
P.S. Now go to my and buy a chip or two!