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The Chip Board Archive 22

In Response To: How to safely clean a HS? ()

but it takes some care and you have to steer clear of the actual hot stamp. Older hot stamps are diffeent then the new ones. Older ones come off easily, while on the other hand the new ones I have been able to clean easily without any problems. The bottom line is the value of the chip. It's it's valuable or old...don't clean the hot stamp area.

The way I do it is with a soft toothbrush and a touch of mild dish soap. I place my thumb over the hot stamp to protect it from stray bristles and go around the rim gently ith the brush. When I dry it with a towel....don't rub , just dab.

Messages In This Thread

How to safely clean a HS?
Re: How to safely clean a HS?
Hi Archie, this is one of my reasons vbg
I see said the blind man
...then he picked up his hammer and SAW... rofl
That's not a hot stamp Steve ...
vbg OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, vbg C u N jUnE vbg
I've been to that closet of a card room
Don't do it!
I wouldn't use anything that I would not use ~~~
Re: Yes....and no

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