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The Chip Board Archive 22

I wouldn't use anything that I would not use ~~~
In Response To: How to safely clean a HS? ()

~~~ on my face; in my mouth or between my toes.

I hear that Irish Spring works well, and some have claimed that Crest with Scope does a good job...

There are a few different drying methods that work well, too, but I'd rather bask them under 50% lath shade next to my tender Cattleyas for a few minutes; especially in a gentle breeze w/ humidity in the 60-70% range... To employ an alarm clock would be a good idea, too... because sometimes you can doze off -- especially if you clean them after a few beers... grin

Messages In This Thread

How to safely clean a HS?
Re: How to safely clean a HS?
Hi Archie, this is one of my reasons vbg
I see said the blind man
...then he picked up his hammer and SAW... rofl
That's not a hot stamp Steve ...
vbg OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, vbg C u N jUnE vbg
I've been to that closet of a card room
Don't do it!
I wouldn't use anything that I would not use ~~~
Re: Yes....and no

Copyright 2022 David Spragg