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The Chip Board Archive 22

20 chips delivered for $25

Sorry I had to withdraw the other offer...after reading the entire post I noticed the shipping cost is in there too......cant do 25 for 25 but CAN do 20 for 25

So my official bid is 20 chips shipped for $25.

Messages In This Thread

Reverse auction 2, I have $25 to blow on chips
13 chips
wohoo, 25 for 25 delivered, great deal so far
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Bill, you be the man vbg
Re: Bill, you be the man vbg
20 chips delivered for $25
Re: Reverse auction 2, I have $25 to blow on chips
Re: Reverse auction 2, I have $25 to blow on chips
21 chips current bid by dave vaill

Copyright 2022 David Spragg