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The Chip Board Archive 22

Take it to one of those places that has signs:...

"We Buy Gold and Silver".

Ask 'em how much.

Messages In This Thread

Silver Coin Belt Buckle help PLEASE
Re: Silver Coin Belt Buckle help PLEASE
Probably real,try this
Re: Silver Coin Belt Buckle help PLEASE
Probably not real...
When I look at the sides of the Half
Take it to one of those places that has signs:...
Bill, based on other auctions...
I'd keep it
One idea to see if it is silver or not is to
Tried the magnet and it will not stick...
Re: One idea to see if it is silver or not is to
If not real...
Re: Silver Coin Belt Buckle help PLEASE
Silver or metal....?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg