doug, i understand your point, i just think your analogy was irrelevant and frankly quite silly. i guess what i am trying to convey is that some
frequent posters, not all, seem to think that just because they pony up $30 a year to some club that they are somehow more honorable, trustworthy, and "higher and mightier" than all non-members. our hobby is a simple one yet there is so much backbiting and politics it is really comical when you take a step back and look at it objectively. as an e-bay seller i have been "screwed" four times - all by ccgtcc members.
when i post what i think is pertinent information regarding the betterment of the hobby i get blasted by ccgtcc members. it amazes me that so many will offer incentives such as immediate shipping, accepting personal checks, etc. to members but not to non-members. remember, there is no vetting process to join the ccgtcc yet somehow there is this predilection that just because you paid thirty bucks you are automatically a righteous and irreproachable person. the club and the attitudes that go with it are not for me.