Dave; I'm sure you are the same person whether being a club member or not... but I can only offer you my personal opinon (not knowing the status of individuals) ... that when I see a name and a membership number I view the club membership number as a "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval". Others are free to discount it, but that's what I see. I will often send material before receiving payment to a
member ... something I would not do with a non-club member. Having said that; does
membership guarantee honesty? Certainly not ... but I personally place a higher degree of trust among club members than I do among non club-members.
As for memberships that lapse for several years. Why would the club allow a person who was a Charter member who did not renew his/her dues for whatever reason, return a decade later and keep the same Charter membership number? It's not about money. It's about offering a true reflection of CONTINUED membership from a certain time period reference.