The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 22

My apologies to the members of the AC Club...

My father and I were playing at a black jack table at the Showboat this evening when he became seriously ill and almost passed out. After getting a wheelchair ride to the casino nurse and getting checked out, we all thought it best to get him back to NY as a hospital trip is most likely inevitable. I just got in and needless to say, need to keep an eye on him and get him some care in the morning if not sooner. I do apologize for not making the meeting and need to exchange some cell phone numbers as I was unable to contact the other officers. I am sure Dad will be fine, but he has a serious heart condition and I couldn't take the chance that he was going to wind up in a hospital so far from home nor could I have left him alone to attend the meeting. I hope you have a great meeting and please ask someone to email me some notes and I will formalize them into minutes.

Messages In This Thread

My apologies to the members of the AC Club...
Good to know your Dad should be OK!
I hope your dad is going to be ok, Judy
Re: My apologies to the members of the AC Club...
Wishing your dad the best, Judy.
Thank you for the good wishes...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg