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The Chip Board Archive 22

3 more Cherry DM's and 2 in Euros...

I got these in a trade and I believe they were used on-board Ferry Ships off Northern Europe.

there are also some from Paul-Son. If I'm not mistaken, much of the DM rack has gone into the set collector community and from there into our niche of the hobby. vbg


Messages In This Thread

Chip ID Needed Cherry International
DM = Deutsche Mark, West Germany, Germany
Re: DM = Deutsche Mark, West Germany, Germany
Re: DM = Deutsche Mark, West Germany, Germany
Re: DM = Deutsche Mark, West Germany, Germany
Re: Chip ID Needed Cherry International
Astragalus (Diamond series) was introduced in the
Before the Euro....
3 more Cherry DM's and 2 in Euros...
Under Cherryforetagen AB, there were also ~~~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg