.... bought tickets yesterday .... flying into Vegas (for the first time) on Monday June 18th and departing the following Monday.
Can't wait ... last year, I was stopped from going for medical reasons, but no Cancer was found in my last CT Scan .... so, I promised myself when I got such a result that I would book my ticket.
Now, this is my first trip to Vegas, my first trip to a chip show, my first trip to the Convention, and the first trip to meet all of the Chippers from around the world whom I have made friends with via the internet. Its going to be great!!
Yet, I definately will feel like a fish-out-of-water, and would like to plan out much of the week before I arrive. Not only -related events but others. What gatherings are there going to be and when? .... Will there be a ChipBoard gathering ... a ChipGuide gathering? When does the SplashBar officially open? Would anyone want to show me Vegas during one of the days? Where do I go to trade chips?
Many questions, but I just don't know whom to ask .... so, I made this post. And I am sure there is others on the ChipBoard who is thinking to go to the Convention and I am sure any reply would not only be helpful to me, but to them also.
I wish you all a great weekend,
Derek Bistricky R-8169