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The Chip Board Archive 04

Anti-Slab List & Dealers

Here are two emails from Steve Soden.
He is right, we need to put pressure on dealers.

"Have you had any time to think of a campaign we can put together to convert
more dealers over to our way of thinking. Let me know your ideas, I really think we should at least make an effort and perhaps we can get these guys to wise up."

"Right now the dealers on the anti-slabbing list are small ones like myself.
I see several potential slabbers that we may want to confirm they're
intentions or even place on the boycott list if we contact them and they
confirm our suspicions."

Steve named 7 names here. I thought it best to omit names here <g>

"These are some of the biggest chip dealers and need to be brought in for us
to be slab free. They're hidding right now and I would guess they won't make their true intentions known until the last possible moment.
I think a systematic attack is in order. A phone call to find out their
intentions and then a determination on whether or not to add them to the slab
Let me know what you think Gene."
Thanks, Steve Soden

Here are my thoughts.
I think we all should email or call the dealers we do business with. Ask their intentions and ask them to sign up for the "LIST". You might want to check the list 1st as we do have some dealers on the list. Please do not threaten them at this time. JUST ASK.
We need more new chip service providers on the list.
We need more obsolete chip dealers on the list.

Many dealers at the PS show said:
"I am not for slabbing."
"No, I will not sign up for the "LIST."

Many dealers at this time, think there is still a chance of making money from slabs.

Messages In This Thread

Anti-Slab List & Dealers
Re: Anti-Slab-Dealer Reply
Re: Anti-Slab List & Dealers
Re: Anti-Slab List & Dealers
Re: Anti-Slab List & Charles
Re: Anti-Slab List & Dealers

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