Hey Terry, I live here on the island, there are many nice hotels to stay, the El San Juan is a 5 star hotel and very nice as well as the Rits-Carlton both in Isla Verde, however if your on a tight budjet, I recommend any of the Marriott Courtyards either in Isla Verde or Aguadilla, also the Embassy Suites are pretty nice and include breakfast and happy hour , all have casinos. I don't want to scare you but right now Puerto Rico has a super high homicide rate (1100) up to now, so I recommend that you not travel at night. There are alot of places to see and shop and yess casinos all around the island. There are plenty of rentals at the airport and getting around is not that bad depending onhow you drive
So good luck and hope you decide to come on down and enjoy...weather right now is in the cool seventies with high eightes during the day.