I am happy to report the discovery of a vintage rim mold --the CLUB MOLD-- that hasn't been known by chip collectors till I spotted them in an on-line Public Firearm Auction in Picayune, Mississippi, December 08, 2011. I had to pay some $100 to acquire the lot of them, most of them damaged by moisture and in the old damaged case pictured below. The small white things seen on many of the chips are not edge spots; they are parts of the paper chip box that attached themselves to the chips from the moisture. I'll send you the best chips I have.
There are 16 club symbols running around the rim. They are regular looking clay chips (the scans didn't come out that well). The 16 clubs are shiny looking, like the top hats in the Christy and Jones chips. An ID would be appreciated. Know where the shipping-manufacture records are?