As you know I am also a newer collector and we have made many small trades this year.
Pep-talk .... I too have been frustrated (at times) when no replies for trades ect ... occur for a period of time ... but what I have found happens is that trades go in waves .... for a month, I may be able only to make a trade once (always seem to make at least one) and then the next month I complete a crazy amount of trades (37 trades in a month is my present record) ...
... the thing is, is that just like anything in life, patience is a key .... you have a good bunch of traders and I can tell you from experience that even the chips that sit for a long period in my traders do eventually get traded for something I am looking for. And the fact is, is you need traders of all types, otherwise you only have the option of buying and that isn't as fun as trading ...
I can tell you that every chip you have in traders are of interest to another chip collector somewhere ... although the chip board is a great avenue for posting your traders ... know that you will likley make more trades via direct emails to fellow chippers ... I have traded more chips off the 'board, then on it. Who are these great chippers? Well, some you will find in the postings on the CollectionLibrary .... here you can learn what they collect and see some of their traders. And anyone who has traded chips with me, definately know that i always note what chips they like collecting and when I find something they might need, I email them and the trading process starts again.
Even right now, I have this great chipper friend, whom I have traded chips maybe 6 times and was one of the first person I ever emailed about the hobby. I saw a posting he made the other day for a chip I was interested in. He has put it aside for me, but right now I don't have a trader for him. But 24 hours later, I may have a chip for him, as he mentioned a different genre of chip he is looking for.
In other words, sometimes you will get replies for a trade and sometimes, you have to see if there is a trade to be made by matching the chips you have to the chippers that collect those type of chips. Consider making a variety of pictures of your traders ... possibly by State, and then by denomination and then even newer issues and obsoletes (so then if a chipper informs you they are looking for $1 chips only (for example) then you got the scan for them ... and trust me, if you got it organized for a fellow chipper then your more likely to get a trade done ... and as time goes on, suddenly you will be searching for more traders (LOL).
So being frustrated is in my opinion very common ... but don't let it turn you off the hobby ... as with each chip you add to 'YOUR COLLECTION' the time and effort is worth it ... its the payoff and it is the search that makes the hobby.
BTW, will have to do some research on three of your chips ... but we might have a trade in the works in the near future.
Derek Bistricky R-8169