I spoke with Jim Reilly at the Superbowl Show, and from what his son has investigated the SLAB companies may be able to use or catalogue numbering systems on their tokens without permission, DEPENDING upon the creativeness of the actual numbering system.
I for one don't want them to use MY numbering system on their SLABS as it can be inturputed that I have endorsed their product.
I am asking that the all of the authors in the "CASINO" Chip/Token/Collectibles arena, all get together and attempt to disallow the use of our numbering systems on SLABS.
I think we all need to probably address the Copyright statements in our guides as well.
My current statement reads.
Catalogue numbers contained in this guide are the sole ownership of the author. Permission to disclose the enclosed information in this guide is granted . . . provided that any reference to the catalogue numbers published herein be referred to as "Marv's numbers". Also, permission is granted to use the numbers from this guide when listing any token for sale or trade in order to establish an accurate identification.
This guide, in whole or part, may not be reproduced for resale or distribution to another individual in any form. The owner of this guide is granted permission to reproduce any pages for their exclusive use only.
ITS time for me to rethink this issue and reword it.
Maybe it's also time to come up with a new numbering system.