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The Chip Board Archive 04

The more of Greg's post's I read , the more ......

me thinks he is a shill trying to drum up support for slabbed chips & ICG.
If that's what you're up to, it won't work here.

Here's what it boils down to, someone wrote earlier:
"Slabbing chips does nothing to add to the value of the chip, it only adds to the cost."

Bill R-4581

Messages In This Thread

Graded Casino Chips
Re: Graded Casino Chips
Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Finding support for slabbed chips....
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg...
This Guy Is Yanking Our Chain......
The more of Greg's post's I read , the more ......
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Remember, you have to sell an investment...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Go, Buy, Greg! Remember...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg