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The Chip Board Archive 21
Re: My post above leads to a question..
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My post above leads to a question..
That is because you have set your preferences to too short a time period per pasge.
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Messages In This Thread
Just some questions on the club Museum
Fred -- questions posed to the club's BoD or to...
Fred, it all boils down to how willing are members
Who is the acting / semi-acting curator...?
Sorry John....
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Re: Permanent Collection of All Past OTY Award Win
Safety Deposit Box at a climately controlled...
Thanks, John... I'd like to see the list of MOGH ~
John and John, I'm not sure were the notion
Thanks for the response, Mike...I have a question
Thanks, Mike... Sure sounds like we've come a long
Thanks Mike for your post and comments
Thanks Mike for your post and comments
John, I have to disagree with some of your
I understand. Would there be a problem with one ~~
John, I see no problem with that.
Re: John, I see no problem with that.
Re: Fred -- questions posed to the club's BoD or t
I have one question ( WHY )
Why what?
David -- these questions eventually arrive at the
Steve thanks for the good answers
Good questions deserve good answers..!
Good luck Fred on this
Joe, obviously your not a supporter of the MOGH
Doug since this project started
We get it Joe, you dont like the MOGH idea.
Sorry. Doug. I told it like it is
Joe, Please explain yourself if your going to make
Why don't you run for office & work towards
Mr Bedo. I knew. I was
Who am I protecting? I made a suggestion or two
Can you say....
Joe, here is an analogy you might understand.
Fred, Here are my thoughts on yur MOGH Questions
Fred, while reading the threads associated..
My post above leads to a question..
Re: My post above leads to a question..
David, TKS now set for 1 week
Re: Fred, while reading the threads associated..
Thanks for the Post Don. This is one of several
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