Sounds great Ed and yes I am planing on getting a room for an hour for an Illegal meet. I hope we can get a time where most who collect Illegals will attend. Only reason I have some new energy is I been looking for a job now for 2+ years. I do have a small web site, I sell poker/blackjack books and cards on and also on eBay but just don't generate much to even pay the lights. Taking two programming courses in Visual Basic at the local college so I can do custom macros in Excel and maybe get some side work. I don't hold much hopes for every finding another job before 65 so I will have lots of time. Never have seen this country in such bad shape.
I am told the black jack tournament is noon on Wednesday which is the time I was thinking for the meeting so that is no good. Thursday most members want to hunt for chips all day. Maybe Wednesday 3 PM or Friday PM might be the next best time.
Ed I can't find the link where your Lookout Newsletters are. I know I downloaded them and printed them out for myself but I thought it would be good to post the link as it is a bit hard to find.
I would be happy to help you in updating your web site at your instructions.
Decisions would have to be made on what is bogus ID's, do you take every thing at word in TGT? Ex" AIS chain mold from Kenosha,WI. I got a full set in all colors only in my collection I call them UFC. No one to this date has ever told me the slightest bit attribution for the chip.
On the other hand some can be attributable by association,interviews,or first hand knowledge, which I feel is perfectly acceptable since we have records only on limited molds. Notes on attribution can be either attached to the chip or kept in a separate database (realizing many don't care about attribution but some of us do).
Took me 2 hours to post as Trick or Treat is in full force in the neighborhood and I am constantly getting up handing out the treats!! I hope the thoughts are at least coherent.