The 2nd Annual Amazing Race Chip Contest!!
5th Leg Results:
No matter how it seemed the crew of the Amazing Race tried to help Liz + Marie, to not only complete this leg of the race, but not come in last ...
The results became the same as last week ....
Although, coming in first this time was: Amani + Marcus
The chippers Keith B. , Jim F. , Tom H. , and Phyllis are now looking in great shape having Amani + Marcus as their Amazing Race team.
The Amazing Race team to be eliminated was: Liz + Marie ... meaning ...
Group A - $1 Chip:
Dennis Berry (last years winner, now has been eliminated from both the $1 and $5 contest)
Group B - $1 Chip:
Virgil Foss (still has Jeremy + Sandy in Group C - $5 chip)
Group C - $5 Chip:
Theresa G. (has her lone team eliminated)
Group D - $5 Chip:
Andy H. (has now been eliminated from both the $1 and $5 contest).
That's it for today ...
Until the 6th Leg, when another team will be eliminated.
Derek R-8169