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The Chip Board Archive 21
It was that brain test I took earlier. can't spell
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Never seen my last name with a p for an o either!!
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La Rue Casino poker chips
Is there a $25 chip in the box somewhere??
Mr. Jphnspn...I don't know if I've ever seen a
Never seen my last name with a p for an o either!!
It was that brain test I took earlier. can't spell
Yep, overtaxed my feeble brain, too!
Vanna...I'd like to buy an "O", please.
Re: "ding" "ding" There's TWO "O"'s here
Re: Is there a $25 chip in the box somewhere??
Here is a photo of Jeff's LaRue chips
Wow! I'd also like a set!
Thanks Jeff, didn't mean to hijack your post
Re: La Rue Casino poker chips
Re: La Rue Casino poker chips
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