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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: (NCR) Funniest Scam Email in a Long Time *rofl

Be careful.....if you need to be jailed for your own good, what is it you have been up to while out free in the community vbg vbg vbg

Such a funny email.

And about scams in general, it always amazes me that many of these scammers have the contacts to buy millions of email addresses, have the (not much admittedly) knowledge to send out millions of emails, and yet don't bother to use spellcheckers!!!!!


Messages In This Thread

(NCR) Funniest Scam Email in a Long Time rofl
Re: (NCR) Funniest Scam Email in a Long Time *rofl
Re: How about these?
Re: How about these?
maybe the FBI is outsourcing work to save money!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg