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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: wanted Silver Saddle LV, Celebrity Eclipse

Ricky, again TKS for the response. Being out of the loop I don't know why this chip is priced so high as a new issue $1. It seems everyone is trying to get top dollar. I'll wait until it is available at a reasonable price ($4-$7). If that doesn't happen my collection will be minus one good chip.

Messages In This Thread

wanted Silver Saddle LV, Celebrity Eclipse
Re: wanted Silver Saddle LV, Celebrity Eclipse
Re: wanted Silver Saddle LV, Celebrity Eclipse
Silver Saddle question
You could be right. All I know is I have seen
Re: You could be right. All I know is I have seen
Just won one on ebay $8.51 shipped
Why the hype

Copyright 2022 David Spragg