~~~ subjects you've listed, but when a post is made about someone who is not working as being non-productive and sounding as though they are not willing to pay their share of tax and not willing to help strengthen the economy does offend not only those who are willing but unable, but others as well.
I wouldn't be saying any of this if I didn't know this for a fact...
...and I'm quite sure that if you would have made a post saying something like: "I have a neighbor who is not willing to go out and work because he feels $190,000 a year is not enough since his last job was $230,000... and he's no longer willing to even try being productive like everyone else in the community who pays their share of tax... and now my neighbors and I are stuck with carrying this deadbeat" that everyone will agree with what you said; those gainfully employed and those who are under-employed and unemployed.