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The Chip Board Archive 21

I just "picked"...American Pickers!!!

If you are familiar with the show then you may know that on the last show last season they made comments about needing another location. Well guess what? Although I don't think they ever announced it, they opened up the second store here in Nashville. grin I went there a month or two ago and was not impressed except for the huge red arrow that they got on one of the shows which is now in the store. Today I was driving back from Tunica when Cindy called to report on her plans which included some antique sewing maching show here in town. She also told me that one of the ladies there told her about the Antique Archeology store in town and that they had some "real" casino chips there. I was very skeptical since I didn't see any the first time I was there. They had a few chips in several cabinets at full retail (or more) including one Sands pinwheel, a Jolley Trolley and some initial poker chips. I found all of these chips there and I have a few comments and questions. The Metro club chips were a movie prop for the movie "Lookin to get out" made in 1980 and they are hot stamped like the orange chip and then stickered with the Metro Club sticker. The Nob Hill and Centerfold chips are nice additions to my collection. The 101 Club Bonbeck inc is a very nice chip and here is the first question. The white chip says 101 Bon Bec on it (and has $25.00 on the other)and was found in the same box on the show. Has anyone ever seen this chip before and is there any reason to believe that it is not a chip from the same LV club? The Royal Match and Paulson chips are also additions to the collection. The $1 Peppermill chip is common but the Pink 5 and Green NCV are not in the Chip Rack as far as I can tell. Unfortunately the pink chip was glued to something and has residue on the back. Does anyone know anything about the John Moss chip? Is it a Borland chip?

Messages In This Thread

I just "picked"...American Pickers!!!
Re: I just "picked"...American Pickers!!!
So any idea what it is?
Link to Gene's post on the John Moss chips
Re: So any idea what it is?
Re: So any idea what it is?
Johnny Moss info
Re: Johnny Moss info
that showed some class
Re: that showed some class
Was Danielle there?
Re: Was Danielle there?
Re: Was Danielle there?
Re: Have they aired the Doug Deems episode yet?
Re: Have they aired the Doug Deems episode yet?
Re: I may have to boycott the show...
Re: I just "picked"...American Pickers!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg