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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: The prime reason for Evacuation is that if any

We had 10" of rain in a storm about 2 weeks ago, no flooding the sandy ground sucked it up. Expecting about the same amount of rain in this storm. The biggest threat in this storm to us will be from falling trees.

Messages In This Thread

I've Been Ordered to Evacuate
Good Luck
Do What U Think Is Best, And Best Wishes to You!!
Re: I've Been Ordered to Evacuate
1985 Hurricane Gloria
Re: I've Been Ordered to Evacuate
your neighbors have told you a lot I bet LOL
no no no-the people in your 'hood----
We are not in the storm surge zone
Wishing you the best, safe!!
Re: I've Been Ordered to Evacuate
Good Luck in whatever you decide grin
Are you South of Sunrise/Merrick Rd?
A Few Blocks South of Merrick Road
Stay SAFE, Charles!
The prime reason for Evacuation is that if anyone
Re: The prime reason for Evacuation is that if any
Re: The prime reason for Evacuation is that if any
PS... COCO says stock up on Bacon Treats too!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg