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The Chip Board Archive 21

Are these the same $3 MGM chips ...
In Response To: wanted MGM chip ()

... that were released about five years ago or has there been a re-issue?

I had about a rack of them when they were first released courtesy of the Big Bear, our friend Aaron Peacock. Here's the story:

I had worn out my welcome in the poker room trying to get some. I was able to get a few, but not many. I stayed back while Aaron rode up to the cashier in his scooter and asked for a "stack" of $3 chips. The cashier thought he said "rack" and handed him a rack. As fast as he could, he changed out the $60 in his hand to $300 and paid for them. We high-tailed it out of there as fast as we could go!!

I started selling them at $7 each and then slowly raised the price as I ran out.

Ah, memories like this make me miss the fun times in Vegas. I miss Aaron, too.


Messages In This Thread

wanted MGM chip
What's harder to get?
found this one
Are these the same $3 MGM chips ...
I can see that happening grin grin grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg