Hmmm...The idea that the virus issue is flawed logic really doesn't make sense because the bottom line is that Mac users don't have to worry much about virus problems. It doesn't matter why (though you are correct) because it simply is a fact.
Even the price issue, while valid, is overstated. I paid $29 for my latest Mac OS upgrade...what was Windows 7 Premium upgrade, $129? And what's with the 3 OS versions with Windows, each more expensive than the next? Give me my Mac OS in it's one size fits all for one low price, any day.
Do I buy anti virus, anti adware or anti malware programs? Nope. Do I need to subscribe to these programs? Nope. Do I need to find free ones to use? Nope. I paid $79 for iWork and got a word processing program, a spreadsheet program, and presentation software. Half the price of the most basic MS Office version, and perfectly suitable for average home users without a true need for Excel.
All these things add up and chip away at the savings you get initially from buying a PC if you have a need or want to add new software. Not entirely of course, but to some degree.
There isn't a computing need for me that isn't met by available Mac or Mac/Windows software, and quite often for less money than comparable Windows based software. Your average user will find that to be true for them nearly every time. CAD software of course you'll need a PC, but how many people use that? Games are still Windows territory, but other than that and some highly specialized software needs, there's Mac software for every need.
Am I a Mac fanboy? Certainly not. I switched to Mac because I got tired of wasting time with virus fixes, fixing the things Windows updates always broke, the crazy and expensive OS software/upgrade option structures, the need to upgrade hardware to run new Windows software (not once in 5 years with my Mac) and of course, never having to worry about digging deep into the guts of of the Mac OS because you never need to.....and if you want to do that stuff, then clearly, Windows is the better choice. The idea that "closed" software is a drawback is only valid for users who fall outside the realm of average users.
I don't post this to be argumentative, but most of your reasons to go PC, while relevant for some people, aren't really valid for most.
If money is an issue, by all means people should go PC....If money is not an issue, one should decide what they're going to use the computer for. The Mac definitely comes with a higher price tag, but many people find that well worth the return they get....which is a computer that is quite simply easier to use.