Sorry about this rant but I just can't take this socialist crap anymore. David can take this post down as he sees fit.
The big picture-they sent a message today that their opinion is the USA $$ is no longer the International Currency. Shame on us for laying the ground work to transform our society into a socialistic one. Our economy may never be the same. But hey that's what the majority of the people wanted 2 1/2 years ago.
The other shoe will soon drop and our debt rating will be diminished.
Wait till the hospitals can no longer function, that is only 2 years away. The governement will take them over for a cash settlement. Oh yes you can't have socialized medicine without the govermenet taking over the hospitals. That happens as soon as the Medicare payments drops 25% as outlined in Obamacare. "Next in line"
We have to pass it to find out what is in it. The most asinine statement that any politician in the USA ever uttered.
I know no political statements but this is only the facts, plain and simple. I am out of work for 3 years and my wife will be losing her job at the hospital probably in the next 2 years as they prepare for disaster when this all kicks in over the next 2 years. This economy is not only going for a double dip, this next dip will not have the sugar costing on it. Keep your money safe.