~~~ should be considered as 'tampering' with a chip that came from the manufacture/distributor that way.
There is nothing being 'restored' (to its original state) on a "weak" hot stamp if it's filled in since that's the way came from the manufacturer/distributor (was never a full-blowen hot stamp) and shipped to a casino/club... It's being 'tampered' with. It was part of an original issue and should be noted as a "weak" hot stamp.
Short story: Several years ago at a coin show in The Netherlands, a dealer had a casino plaque where the complete run was known with a weak incused security feature, except for his exmple being full. Those who know the series knew the piece was tampered with.
Similar would be the weak 50p Manchester Playboy chip where the '0' is weak... and seeing one full should draw attention questioning if it was tampered with -- since that's the way it came from the manufacturer (weak).