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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: Anyone familiar with San Francisco area?

My family and i just got back. We took the long drive up to humbolt to the avenue of the giants to see the big trees. it was spectacular. our trip brought us up to the northern coast, and oregon coast, and everything was just amazing.

we drove thru muir woods, but there were soooooooooooo many people we didnt even stop, just drove to stinson beach, and pt reyes.

alcatraz was a huge hit with my wife and kids. book at LEAST 10 days early or it WILL be sold out. We drove past a dozen small casinos on 101 heading norht, but couldnt stop at any what with the 4 kids in the car...

have a wonderful time.

Messages In This Thread

Anyone familiar with San Francisco area?
Re: Anyone familiar with San Francisco area?
Re: Anyone familiar with San Francisco area?
Muir Woods for trees and great trails
Re: Anyone familiar with San Francisco area?
Re: Anyone familiar with San Francisco area?
The city by the Bay...
Thanks for all of your recommendations

Copyright 2022 David Spragg