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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: I've done a couple in the past, but none recen

Thanks that helps a lot. I am trying to get some thoughts together for that very reason. I hope to make next years convention so I would like to have some personals made.

I have a question about something you said and one of your personals. You mentioned a sticker chip. Have y'all been using those long enough to know if they will be durable for the long haul? And is the Club Bedo a sticker chip? Does that one have a scrown mold or is that just part of the picture?

Reason I asked is I believe my first choice would be a H&C or an older mold, but I also do not want to tie up $350+ on 100 chips.

Messages In This Thread

Personal chips
Anyone do a personal with a skull or
Debbie Meister does great art work
I've done a couple in the past, but none recently
Re: I've done a couple in the past, but none recen
Re: H&C or an older mold
The "Club Bedo" chip is a Chipco as are all others
Excellent, thank you for the responses

Copyright 2022 David Spragg