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The Chip Board Archive 21

ccgtcc Calendar Entry of the Day! The DeKeyser's!

Today's ccgtcc Calendar Entry of the Day! is for Fred and Julie DeKeyser!

However, this is a belated posting! With apologies to Fred and Julie, their posting date of 23 June was overcome by Convention activities, but we did not want to lose sight of their event...

Today (June 23rd) is DeKeyser's Wedding Anniversary! Fred advises that he and Julie were wed in Las Vegas, during one of the ccgtcc Conventions and he loves collecting Reno area chips.

Wishing you both a belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!

If you are interested in reserving a date in the 2012 issue of the Calendar, at a cost of $10, you will need to contact the Club's Membership Officer (via email) to determine if the date you want is available and to make payment arrangements.

Also, at the present time, you can pre-order a 2012 Calendar(s) on an Early-Bird basis of $18. Again, your point of contact to do so is the Membership Officer at: .

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ccgtcc Calendar Entry of the Day! The DeKeyser's!
A belated "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" to them both! vbg
Awesome chip choice for 2 awesome people!
Hey Fred June 23rd is ours also!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg