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The Chip Board Archive 21

Mint chips: Funny thing is...

when we bought the 2 Mint chips today (the lower two), I thought they were the same as the one we already had (top chip). Obviously they aren't grin .

The shade of the chip is different, as are the insert colors, the insert texture, and even the shape of the inserts. I could almost consider being convinced that the years of grime accumulated on today's chips permanently darkened the chips (the lady I bought the chips from said her husband kept the chips as a souvenir from the days he was a dealer at the Mint, back in the "50's)...but that wouldn't change the shape of the inserts.

Messages In This Thread

Mint chips: Funny thing is...
Re: Mint chips: Funny thing is...
Re: Mint chips: Funny thing is...
Re: Mint chips: Funny thing is...
Re: Just thought to check the chipguide...
Re: Just thought to check the chipguide...
Re: yeah...beige, cream, ivory, off-white...
Top chip is Christy Jones, bottom chip is Paulson.
Re: Isn't it the other way around?
Yes, that is me typing too fast grin
Or thinking too slow.... rofl
Re: Thanks David & Robert grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg