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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: Not For me, Dude

As a retired Airplane design engineer for the Boeing Company, and a guy who worked on the designs of the 727, you couldn't get me to live in one of those on a bet. The maintanence problems would be apalling. Exterior is aluminum and assembled with hundreds of thousands of rivets, all of which are subject to corrosion & leakage, not to mention denting by the wayward baseball. In colder climates, the interior of the skin would collect moisture, further adding to corrosion woes. This structure would not breath the way wood does so a top quality moisture/air exchanger is a must. No thanks, I'll stick to standard materials.

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Club home at $290.000 for us Aircraft lovers...?
Re: Not For me, Dude
A code enforcement nightmare EOM
Re: Club home at $290.000 for us Aircraft lovers..
Alright we will stay with a property...

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