Larry, and others interested in the slabbing issue,
One other thing I think is important about the list. It mentions dealers only and I think it is meant to let chip dealers know that if they begin to deal in slabbed chips they will lose some customers.
What is a dealer? Kind of hard to define isn't it? You sell chips Larry, but are you a dealer? I don't think so. You don't ever set up at chip shows. Am I a dealer? I've set up at 3 or 4 chips shows, including the club show last year. Am I a dealer? I don't think so. I'm merely a collector that sells chips on occasion. Travis and Allan set up every year at the club show. Are they chip dealers? Not in my mind. Most of the time I think we collectors that set up at shows do so mostly for the opportunity to find chips, with selling some of our chips being the secondary reason.
The list I signed doesn't say that if you have a slabbed chip in your collection that I can't trade with you or buy chips from you. You aren't a dealer.
I suppose every person on the list will have to decide for themselves who they feel is a dealer and who isn't. My definition of a dealer would be someone that sets up at several chip show each year and does so and has done so on a continuing basis, someone who obviously sells many more chips than they trade.