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The Chip Board Archive 21

Mike, see what retirement does....

Gives one more time to enjoy the hobby!

By all means let's see 'em!


Messages In This Thread

Does anybody want to see Flamingo Capri items?
Re: Does anybody want to see Flamingo Capri items?
I want to see it all!!
Bring 'Em On! grin
Yes-Please Share Your Treasures
Yupper Capt Q
HMMmmmm...I vote YES!!!! vbg
Mike, see what retirement does....
Yes... that would be very cool! :-)
Mike ... yes, show them! vbg
Re: All of the above...stories too, please! grin
100% Yes, Please show everything
Show All Your Flamingo Capri Items... vbg
Please do so !! Thank you
Yes Yes Yes!!!! Please do grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg